Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB

Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB Zong introduce a new package Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB . You will get 150000 MBs . You need to recharge of RS. 2000 include tax to activate Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB. Zong always introduce new exiting packages. In this post you will get all information about Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB. ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION METHOD Zong Has been launched Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB in-Which you can get 60GB (60000 MBs) Of Free Internet Data For 30-Days "1 Month". You Can Activate Or Deactivate " Zong MBB Package Rs.3250 with 200GB " on your MBB Device Package By Following The Given Ways: ZONG Online Shop E-care ZONG MY ZONG App ZONG 310 Helpline, ZONG Service CENTRE, ZONG Franchise ZONG SRING *310# ZONG STRING *6767# ZONG MBB Web user interface ZONG MBB auto portal ZONG Retailer Zong Live Chat/Facebook/Twitter For Activation of MBB Plans. Zong MBB...